
1. Submerged conflicts. Ethnography of the invisible resistances in the quotidian – Convenor: Pietro Saitta ()

2. Ethnography of predatory and mafia practices – Convenors: Lucio Castracani & Marco De Biase (; )

3. Young people practicing everyday multiculturalism. An ethnographic look – Convenor: Enzo Colombo ()

4. Innovating universities. Everything needs to change, so everything can stay the same? – Convenors: Daniela Falcinelli & Annalisa Murgia (; )

5. NGOs, grass-root activism and social movements. Understanding novel entanglements of public engagements – Convenors: Alex Koensler & Filippo Zerilli (; )

6. Immanence of seduction. For a microinteractionist perspective on charisma – Convenors: Chiara Bassetti & Emanuele Bottazzi ( / ; )

7. Lived religion. An ethnographical insight – Convenors: Alberta Giorgi, Stefania Palmisano & Giovanna Rech (; ; )

8. Critical ethnographies of schooling – Convenors: Fulvia Antonelli & Marco Romito (; )

9. Subjectivity, surveillance and control. Ethnographic research on forced migration towards Europe – Convenors: Elena Fontanari & Barbara Pinelli (; )

10. Ethnographic and artistic practices and the question of the images in contemporary Middle East – Convenors: Donatella Della Ratta & Paola Gandolfi (; )

11. Diffracting ethnography in the anthropocene – Convenor: Elena Bougleux ()

12. Ethnography of labour chains – Convenors: Domenico Perrotta & Devi Sacchetto (; )

13. The Chicago School and the study of conflicts in contemporary societies – Convenors: Marco Pitzalis & Izabela Wagner (; )

14. States of imagination/Imagined states. Performing the political within and beyond the state – Convenors: Federica Infantino & Timothy Raeymaekers (; )

15. Ethnographies of waste politics – Convenor: Nick Dines ()

16. Experiencing urban boundaries – Convenors: Cristina Mattiucci & Federico Rahola (; )

17. Ethnographic fieldwork as a “location of politics” – Convenors: Marc Abélès, Lynda Dematteo & Mariella Pandolfi (; ; )

18. Rethinking ‘Europe’ through an ethnography of its borderlands, peripheries and margins – Convenors: Ilaria Giglioli, Camilla Hawthorne & Alessandro Tiberio (, , )

19. Detention and qualitative research – Convenors: Alvise Sbraccia & Francesca Vianelllo (; )

20. Ethnographies of social sciences as a vocation – Convenors: Sebastiano Citroni & Gianmarco Navarini (; )

21. Adjunct Session Gender and culture in productive and reproductive life – Chair: Giolo Fele ()